Showcasing a natural athletic advantage

The science is simple – if you want better athletic performance, you need better airflow into your lungs.

Professional sportspeople know this and it’s going mainstream. RhinoMed have patented a nasal stent that supplies athletes with improved air input – The Turbine.

RhinoMed came to us at Citrus for a basic brand-driven site to explain the product and showcase the supporting science. Sitting in the boardroom, holding the packaging I could see a bold brand with a real problem to solve.

We built a user-flow and scoped the information architecture for the small site in record time. I lifted the aesthetic and began to create the site; balancing the visuals with an eye on the science. The result is a colourful, bold site that shows the product and is backed up by evidence.

The client was elated with the site and it went live a few short months after briefing.


